Thursday, January 27, 2011

Invader Zim, Bring Zim Back!

The show Invader Zim, created by Jhonez Vasques, was cancelled for no reason. I believe that it should have stayed on the air longer than it did, however its network disagreed. Invader Zim was running on  Nickelodeon, they were the ones who took Invader Zim off the network. They did give reasons for ending the show. It was cancelled because the director wanted scenes that Nickelodeon did not find appropriate for kids that might watch the show. Even though the show mostly drew the attention of teens not children. However Vasques did not go down easily! "Jhonen Vasquez actually had a lot of arguments with Nickelodeon about some scenes in Invader Zim." For example, in of the episodes he wanted one of the characters to be covered in blood. You can see this image on the right. The character's name was Gir, he was the most known character because of his hilarious one liners, and his weird obsessions! In the episode he goes crazy and attacks the public library for more knowledge on Earth. Nickelodeon saw this image and disagreed, they believed that he was asking too much to put that on their network. This frustrated Vasques and he still wanted the image to be in the series. So what he did was put pieces in the episodes and had the viewers find them there selves and he put a picture of the character on the internet. However this was not the reason why the show was cancelled! Nickelodeon did not find out about the image until after they removed the show from its network. There was other reasons such as, dark comedy used. In one of the episodes Zim goes around the school stealing all the kids organs because he was afraid they would find that he was not human when the school did x-rays on their students. Other reasons where that it was not getting ratings Nickelodeon hoped for, parents did not like the show at all, and Jhonen Vasquez just went insane with the show. He never was a children's show writer. Yes, this does end at a sad note, but it all turned out better because in the 2000's, Nickelodeon let the show back on with reruns! In the end, the show was funny and entertaining, Nickelodeon should have kept it on!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Alec,
    I'm not trying to be rude but Zim didn't have that many viewers before. Do you think that now it's on air again it'll have more viewers? I know that the old fans will still be watching, but do you think new people will be too?
    Taylor Austin
